Tchumatchenko group
Tatjana Tchumatchenko
Group Leader
The long term goal of my lab is to uncover how the neural code works and what computational strategies neurons have at their disposal. We are a computational team that works closely with experimental groups. Therefore many of our projects are collaborative by design and some group members are shared with other scientific groups.
Sascha Ziemann
Administrative assistant
Pietro Verzelli
Postdoctoral Fellow funded by a collaborative project
With my research, I want to develop novel tools to study the relationship between behavior and neural activity.
Nestor Timonidis
Postdoctoral Fellow
With my research, I want to develop intracellular models for axons .
Nataliya Kraynyukova
Postdoctoral Fellow funded by a collaborative project
With my research I want to understand how neurons with threshold nonlinearities process signals and influence network dynamics.
Maximilian Eggl
Postdoctoral guest scientist
I try to understand heterosynaptic plasticity from a mathematical modelling point of view, and the results that this understanding could have on memory formation.
Laura Bernaez Timon
Graduate Student funded by a collaborative project
With my research I want to understand how spatially structured networks respond to inputs.
Janko Petkovic
Graduate student funded by a collaborative project
With my research I investigate how plasticity rules emerge from molecular dynamics.
Kanaan Mousaei
Graduate student funded by a collaborative project
With my research, I would like to understand the statistical laws of protein allocation to synapses.
Carlos Wert Carvajal
Graduate Student funded by a collaborative project
With my research, I want to understand how synaptic plasticity conforms spatial mapping and navigation in the hippocampus.
Albert Miguel Lopez
Graduate Student funded by a collaborative project
I focus on understanding how goals are encoded in the brain and in the dynamics of decision-making.
Surbhit Wagle
Graduate Student funded by a collaborative project
With my research, I want to understand how receptor traficking shapes synaptic plasticity and network dynamics.
Ulzii-Utas Narantsatsralt
Graduate student funded by a collaborative project
With my research, I want to understand how the barrel cortex encodes tactile information
Antoni Bertolin
Graduate student funded by a collaborative project
I am using Spiking Neural Networks to uncover the function of heterosynaptic plasticity.
Cornelius Bergmann
Graduate student funded by a collaborative project
With my research, I want to understand the energy budget of dendrites
Lorenzo Squadrani
Graduate student funded by a collaborative project
With my research I want to understand how synaptic plasticity influences navigation.
Rohan Shankar Menon
Master student
With my research I want to understand how animal behavior can be predicted.
Tuguldur Gerelmaa
Online internship student
With my research I want to understand how ANNs communicate.
Vincent Degenhart
Internship student
With my research I want to understand how animals share internal states.
Alexandra Hammond
Internship student
With my research I want to understand how proteins are distributed across brain regions.
Pierre Ekelmans (last known affiliation: LORENZ Life Sciences)
Yuhong Echo Liu (last known affiliation: U Bonn)
Sabine Eichholz (last known affiliation: University of Mainz Medical Center)
Jean Philip Filling (last known affiliation: eyeV GmbH)
Paresh Mahatra (last known affiliation: tbd)
Tobias Wieczorek (last known affiliation: TU Darmstadt)
Daniel Mueller-Komorowska (last known affiliation: OIST Okinawa)
Andreas Nold (last known affiliation: DB Systel GmbH)
Saif Ahmed (last known affiliation: TUM)
Fabio Sartori (last known affiliation: MPI Dynamics and Selforganisation)
Leonor Fajardo-Rebelo (last known affiliation: Havas Life Bird and Schulte)
Nina Wind (last known affiliation: Merck KGaA)
Aneesha Kohli (last known affiliation: Institute of Biochemistry II, U Goethe)
Sophia Becker (last known affiliation: University of Lausanne)
Leonhard Wenning (last known affiliation: Muenchen Re)
Tim Herfurth (last known affiliation: Zuehlke Group)
Yombe Fonkeu (last known affiliation: Penn Medicine, University of Pennsylvania )
Danylo Batulin (last known affiliation: FIAS)
Alexandra Vormberg (last known affiliation: CosmosDirect)
Quinn Painter (last known affiliation: Creighton University School of Medicine)
Dooyoung Kim (last known affiliation: European Alliance Against Depression)
Elisabeth Seiffert (last known affiliation: U Goethe)
Sara Konrad (last known affiliation: U Heidelberg)
Sabrina Münzberg (last known affiliation: U Goethe)
Leon Gatys (last known affiliation: U Tuebingen)
Jannik Luboeinski (last known affiliation: Goettingen U)
Michael Hutschenreiter (last known affiliation: TUD)
Philippe Poth (last known affiliation: d-fine)
Meike Schweisfurth (last known affiliation: Hamburg University of Applied Sciences)
Jatin Nagpal (last known affiliation: U Frankfurt)
Johannes M Auth (last known affiliation: U Göttingen)
Benedict Lünsmann (last known affiliation: U Göttingen)
Mirae Yang (last known affiliation: FIS)
Simon Becker (last known affiliation: TU Darmstadt)
Umar Hayat Adil (last known affiliation: U Bonn)
Raphaela Hettich (last known affiliation: U Frankfurt)
Marc Leonhard (last known affiliation: TUD)
Fabio Schittler Neves (last known affiliation: Elternzeit)
Norman Seeliger (last known affiliation: U Frankfurt)
Lisa Deters (last known affiliation: U Frankfurt)
Jannik Luboeinski (last known affiliation: U Goettingen)
Hanna Go (last known affiliation: FIS)
Amadeus Dettner (last known affiliation: Consulting)
Mahyar Moghimi (last known affiliation: MPI BR)
Maria Krasnianski (last known affiliation: TUD)
Varsha Vasudevan (last known affiliation: Goethe University)
Christoph Miehl (last known affiliation: Goethe University)
Alena Deuerlein (last known affiliation: Goethe University)
Ana Alupei (last known affiliation: Goethe University)
Pauline Welz (last known affiliation: Schule am Ried)
Judith Suessenberger (last known affiliation: Schule am Ried)
Shai Hirschl (last known affiliation: FIS)
Lorenzo Calza (last known affiliation: European School Frankfurt)
Alena Deuerlein (last known affiliation: Goethe University)
Christoph Miehl (last known affiliation: Goethe University)
Fabian Eichner (last known affiliation: Goethe University)
Lukas Tong (last known affiliation: Goethe University)